

With activated deployment of OpenStack only basic services (Compute, Storage, ..) are provided. Extended OpenStack services (Telemetry, Loadbalancer, Kubernetes, ..) and additional OpenStack services (Rating, Container, ..) can be added manually via scripts after deployment is complete.

Deployment is controlled via Ansible with the deploy.yml playbook.

The following command is executed from the testbed repository directory. It creates the necessary infrastructure using Terraform and then deploys all services using Ansible.

ansible-playbook playbooks/deploy.yml \
    -i ansible/localhost_inventory.yaml \
    -e cloud_env=$ENVIRONMENT \
    -e ansible_galaxy=ansible-galaxy \
    -e ansible_playbook=ansible-playbook

The Run part 3 task takes some time to complete, depending on the cloud. Run times of 60-80 minutes are not unusual. Don’t get impatient and have a coffee in the meantime.


Path to the ansible-galaxy binary or the ansible-playbook only needs to be adjusted if the binaries are not findable via PATH.


Add -e manual_deploy=true if only the necessary infrastructure should be created. Other services such as OpenStack or Ceph are then not deployed and can be added manually afterwards.


If the testbed repository was not cloned to the default location (~/src/ the path must be set accordingly via the basepath parameter.


If the ansible collection repositories were not cloned to the default location (~/src/ the path must be set accordingly via the repo_path parameter.

Customise versions

By default, the latest manager service, Ceph Pacific and OpenStack Yoga are deployed. This can be customised via the parameters version_ceph, version_manager, and version_openstack.

Changing the Ceph or OpenStack release

Deploy OpenStack in the xena version:

-e version_openstack=xena

Deploy Ceph in the quincy version:

-e version_ceph=quincy

Deploying a stable OSISM release

Deploy the stable release 4.0.0:

-e version_manager=4.0.0


If a specific version of the manager and thus OSISM itself, a so-called stable release, is deployed, the explicit specification of the Ceph version and the OpenStack version is not possible. The versions of Ceph and OpenStack are then determined from the stable release of OSISM. For OSISM version 4.0.0, for example, this is Ceph Pacific and OpenStack Yoga.


Do not set -e version_openstack and -e version_ceph when deploying a stable release.