Manager node


Execute the following commands on the seed node. Execute the commands within the manager environment (cd environments/manager) of the configuration repository.

The manager node is used to manage all other nodes of the environment. The use of a dedicated system is recommended. In many environments, one of the controller nodes is used as the manager node.

You can use a different folder location for the virtual environment that will be created by setting the environment variable VENV_PATH. This is required for example if your current folder path contains blank characters.

Various Ansible configurations can be adjusted via environment variables.

  • To query the password for using sudo:

  • If secrets.yml files are encrypted with Ansible Vault, let Ansible prompt for the password by using:


An overview with all parameters can be found at

It is possible to manage more than one manager. In this case it may be useful to work with –limit.

If you get the error message ERROR! the playbook: osism.manager.keypair could not be found (or similar) with one of the following commands, the installed Ansible version is too old. In this case the local .venv directory is deleted and then the script is executed again.

If another Ansible installation is used on the seed system instead of the local .venv directory, this installation must be updated accordingly.

Creation of the operator user

The operator user is created on each system. It is used as a service account for OSISM. All Docker containers run with this user. Ansible also uses this user to access the systems. Commands on the manager node need to be run as this user.

ANSIBLE_USER=osism ./ operator
  • If a password is required to login to the manager node, ANSIBLE_ASK_PASS=True must be set.

  • If an SSH key is required to login to the manager node, the key has to be added on the manager node to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys in the home directory of the user specified as ANSIBLE_USER.

  • If the error ERROR! Attempting to decrypt but no vault secrets found occurs, ANSIBLE_ASK_VAULT_PASS=True has to be set.

  • If the error /bin/sh: 1: /usr/bin/python: not found occurs, Python has to be installed on the manager node by executing:

    ANSIBLE_USER=osism ./ python3
  • To verify the creation of the operator user, use the private key file id_rsa.operator. Make sure you purge all keys from ssh-agent identity cache using ssh-add -D. You can print the list using ssh-add -l. The list should be empty.

    ssh-add -D
    ssh -o IdentitiesOnly=yes -i environments/manager/id_rsa.operator dragon@testbed-manager
  • If you receive the following error message ssh: Too many authentication failures set ANSIBLE_SSH_ARGS environment variable to use only the operator ssh key for authentication.

    export ANSIBLE_SSH_ARGS="-o IdentitiesOnly=yes"
  • The warning message [WARNING]: running playbook inside collection osism.manager can be ignored

  • If Ansible Vault is used, let Ansible ask for the Vault password:

  • A typical call to create the operator user looks like this:

    ANSIBLE_USER=osism \
    ./ operator

Configuration of the network


Most of the parameters required for Ansible (ANSIBLE_BECOME_ASK_PASS, ANSIBLE_ASK_PASS, ANSIBLE_USER, ..) in the previous step are no longer necessary. If Ansible Vault is used, however, ANSIBLE_ASK_VAULT_PASS must still be set.

To prevent recurring installation of Ansible Collections, export INSTALL_ANSIBLE_ROLES=False can be used.

  • The network configuration, already present on a system should be backuped before this step.

    ./ network
  • Upon completion of the network configurtion, a system reboot should be performed to ensure the configuration is functional and reboot safe. Since network services are not restarted automatically, later changes to the network configuration are not effective without a manual apply of the network configuration or reboot of the nodes.

    ./ reboot



Most of the parameters required for Ansible (ANSIBLE_BECOME_ASK_PASS, ANSIBLE_ASK_PASS, ANSIBLE_USER, ..) in the previous step are no longer necessary. If Ansible Vault is used, however, ANSIBLE_ASK_VAULT_PASS must still be set.

To prevent recurring installation of Ansible Collections, export INSTALL_ANSIBLE_ROLES=False can be used.

  • Bootstrap the manager node:

    ./ bootstrap
  • Reboot the manager node afterwards to ensure changes are boot safe:

    ./ reboot
  • Deploy the configuration repository on the manager node:

    ./ configuration
  • Deploy the traefik service:

    ./ traefik
  • Deploy the netbox service:

    ./ netbox
  • Deploy the manager service:

    ./ manager

Ready. The manager is now prepared and you can continue with the bootstrap of the other nodes.